Magnificently Majestic Mosaic






For the longest time I felt as if I had been saved but there was a struggle with my past sins that left me questioning Jesus's Love for me. Kind of like the 'I'm not worthy' concept or a lingering doubt that He would not really forgive me of all my sins. Not totally accept me into his Kingdom. I thought about that and thought about others that may have a feeling that they have a 'checkered' past and be concerned about their acceptance as well.

One night while contemplating this dilemma, it occurred to me that since Jesus's Love is total, how could I continue to doubt that Love? How could my life be seen by Christ as anything that would not be worthy of His Love when I have given myself completely to Him?  Then it hit me. Like a wonderful awakening, sort of like a sense of relief and completeness in my relationship with Jesus.

You see, now there is this Magnificently Majestic Mosaic unique to me that I can present as a gift to Jesus because it is held together solidly with the mortar mixture of Jesus's remarkable Love for me and my Faith in that Love. The more intense or the larger the pieces, the larger the dose of the two ingredients. And it is the mortar, not the pieces that make the Mosaic so special and unique.

I don’t know the precise formula but it is almost as if each ingredient feeds off of the other to create a mixture unique to each person’s situation. And it is strong enough to hold the pieces of any checkered past together beautifully.

Think about it! No one is perfect. Your life and all your sins, shortcomings, failures are part of your beautiful mosaic simply because it is Christ's Love for you combined with your Faith in that Love that makes complete and utter sense of it all. Finally, you too can look anyone in the eye and honestly say that Jesus Loves you as you are, complete with all your transgressions. And He can Love them too. No Matter what.

And it is that Mosaic, held solidly together by the mortar mixture of God's Enduring Love and your Faith in that Love, that will be your impenetrable shield.

'Above all, taking the shield of Faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked' (Ephesians 6:16).

May God Bless, Accept and Protect You,

Bill Haggerty

8-2007 updated 5-2010